The Sleep Benefits Of 5HTP & CBD

 A jar of Medterra Sound Asleep CBD gummies is placed on a white silky fabric background.

Sleeping at night can do wonders for your health and can elevate your day-to-day productivity. 

However, many people struggle with receiving quality sleep throughout the night and often run off of too little sleep. If you’re one of these individuals then you know the exact feeling. 

Luckily, there are natural enhancers to give you the quality shut-eye you deserve, which include 5HTP and CBD. You may have heard of these two compounds and how they can influence users to get rest during the evening hours. 

We'll delve deeper into the sleep benefits of 5HTP and CBD so you can gain insight into their mechanisms.

Keep reading to find out more! 

What Is 5HTP?

5HTP known as 5-Hydroxytryptophan, is a naturally occurring compound your body creates from tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid you receive from eating foods. 

Though it comes from your body, you’ll see the compound in dietary supplements for individuals wanting to enhance their lives.

5HTP yields serotonin levels which are responsible for regulating mood and behavior. This means 5HTP can affect behaviors in individuals who want to minimize stress, enhance restful shut-eye, and or receive relief from discomfort. 

That’s a lot to think about when considering using different natural enhancers for your lifestyle! But it’s not as complicated as it sounds since all you need to know is it’s great for elevating your behaviors and moods.

There are some things to know about 5HTP, especially when it's infused with CBD for sleep. 

Continue reading to find out more about how 5HTP and CBD benefits sleep. 

Sleep Benefits Of 5HTP And CBD

5HTP and CBD can give you a comfortable good night’s rest, unlike anything else on the market. How so? We’ll uncover the benefits now so you can gain some insight. 

5HTP Sleep Benefits

  • Stay In Bed Longer: 5HTP is known to keep you in bed longer after taking the dietary supplement due to the serotonin level increase it delivers. This improves rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. 
  • Go To Bed Quicker: It also can let you go to bed quicker, which boosts overall shut-eye quality. 

These are just the tip of the benefits you get from 5HTP during your nighttime rituals. 

CBD Sleep Benefits

CBD has substantial benefits for users who want quality shut-eye at night similar to 5HTP. 

  • Delivers Higher Quality Shut-Eye: When taking CBD, you’re going to receive quality shut-eye at night according to a study.
  • Prolongs Nighttime Rest: You can also get a longer rest cycle during the night since the compound works with the body to deliver longer-lasting effects. 

CBD is a compound, with similar effects to 5HTP, that can work its magic to provide relaxing and comforting effects for anyone’s nighttime cycle. 

Now you understand the benefits of 5HTP and CBD, let’s dive into how they work together for sleep.  

How 5HTP & CBD Works For Sleep

5HTP often comes in several CBD products on the market with many people using the formulation to elevate their life. 

Cannabidiol (CBD) delivers relaxing effects whereas 5HTP boosts serotonin levels that regulate important functions like getting shut-eye. 

5HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) and CBD (Cannabidiol) work together to enhance the nighttime rest hours through their unique functions. Together, the two distinct compounds elevate the mental and physical functions of the body. This makes them ideal for people who want to experience better rest at night. 

However, there’s limited research on both compounds and their long-term interaction, so it’s best to consult your physician before using them.

Using 5HTP And CBD

If you’re considering using 5HTP and CBD, you need to know how to use them to get successful results. 

  1. Choose Quality Formulations: There are several formulations out there and you should find quality ones, like Medterra, by reviewing all certificate of analysis (COA) reports. Our Medterra Sleep Tight Gummies have the highest quality formulation that’s third-party tested for purity. 
  2. Take The Right Amount of Sleep Tight Gummies: When taking the infused formulation, we recommend you read the label for how much to dose. 
  3. Don’t Mix Medications: Make sure to consult your physician first before mixing other medications with 5HTP and CBD formulations. 

Using 5HTP and CBD can deliver positive results, especially for those needing to get shut-eye at night. 

Summing Things Up

Now you know all about the sleep benefits of 5HTP and CBD, you can make the decision yourself. Try our Sleep Tight Gummies, infused with a blend of 5HTP, Camomile, Passionflower, Lemon Balm, L-theanine, and Melatonin - to deliver the benefits your body needs. 


Written by:
Loren Baker

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Written by:Loren Baker

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